
A single plastic bag that is not in our hands


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When you buy an item, you would often get a bag for it. When you buy a lot of products, that bag becomes 2 or 3 and it scales up with the number of items you buy. Some of the bags are later used as a trash bag, but some would never be used again and just waiting there for disposal.

Many plastic bags, however, get thrown away and they get carried by the wind and end up in places. We will show you how this affects the environment around us.

Let’s see what happens when plastic bags are blown into the rivers or canals or the sea. Not only do they create a disturbing view, but they also cause water quality to plummet. The bags can get stuck or eaten by animals, causing more than 100,000 deaths annually.

Apart from turtles who are the main victims of pollution, there are some other marines and shore creatures such as fish, birds, reptiles. More than 800 species are threatened by plastic debris by consuming and tangling. Most of the debris are bottle caps, straws, grocery bags, bottles, and cigarettes.

A plastic piece and get stuck in draining pipes, causing overflow and flooding during rain and storms, damaging structures in the area. Blocked pipes can’t transport water to the farms and facilities causing cascade damage, ultimately costing the economy a toll.

Plastics that are left on the streets or in buildings stay as is forever without proper litter management. There are 2 ways to manage litter. 1) Separate plastic waste to be recycled and buried properly, which would take 500 years in the process. 2) Delivery the waste to the waste disposal plant. This way of elimination has a very high cost.

So, how about that? A single plastic bag that is not in our hands can cause many problems. There are 7.5 billion of us and we can pump out millions of tons of plastic waste. We are all responsible for slowing down this catastrophe.